Rodriguez, A, Horvath, KJ, Dowshen, N, Voss, R, Warus, J, Jacobs, M, Kidd, KM, Inwards- Breland, DJ, Blumenthal, J. (2023). Awareness and Utilization of Pre-exposure Prophylaxis and HIV Prevention Services Among Transgender and Non-binary Adolescent and Young Adults. Frontiers in Reproductive Health.
Skeen, SJ, Cain, D, Mehta, K, Rusow, J, Horvath, KJ, Reback, CJ. (2023). The intersectional social patterning of early-COVID-era digital intimacies among transgender and gender-diverse young adults: Effects on peri-pandemic sexual decision-making. Culture, Health, & Sexuality.
Ma, J., Chase, G. E., Black, A., Klaphake, J., Garcia-Myers, K., Baker, J. V., Horvath, K. J. (2023). Attitudes toward and beliefs in the effectiveness of biomedical HIV prevention strategies among emerging and young adult sexual minority men. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. doi: 10.1007/s12529-023-10244-4
Zapata, J, Hirshfield, S, Nelson, K & Horvath, K. J. & John, S. (2023). Preferred characteristics of mHealth interventions to support HIV testing and PrEP decision making (Preprint). JMIR Formative Research. 10.2196/51103.
Ramos SD, Vincent W, Siconolfi DE, Pollack LM, Horvath KJ, Campbell CK, Tebbetts S, Kegeles SM, Storholm ED. Differential Associations of Depressive Symptomology to HIV Care Engagement Among Young Black Sexual Minority Men with HIV (YBSMM+) in the US South: A Multi-Group Analysis of Mood, Intimate Partner Violence, and Alcohol Use. AIDS Behav. 2023 Oct 5. doi: 10.1007/s10461-023-04186-x. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37796375.
Cherenack, E. M.,Chavez, J. V., Martinez, C., Hirshfield, S., Balise, R., Horvath, K. J., Viamonte, M., Jimenez, D. E., Paul, R., Dilworth, S. E., DeVries, B., Pallikkuth, S., Stevenson, M., Alvarado, T. C., Pahwa, S., Carrico, A. W. (Accepted 2023). Stimulant use, HIV, and immune dysregulation among sexual minority men. Drug and Alcohol Dependence.
Louik, J, Horvath, KJ, Golub, SA, Gutierrez, NR, Rivera, S, Arnsten, JH & Patel VV. (2023) Feasibility and acceptability of a peer influencer delivered social media based intervention to promote mental health awareness for young Black and Latinx gay and bisexual men and transgender women, Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health, DOI: 10.1080/19359705.2023.2239730
Horvath, KJ, Ma, J, Storholm, ED, Black, A, Klaphake, J, Baker, JV. (in press) The Use of Daily and On-Demand Oral Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Dosing Strategies among Young Adult Gay, Bisexual and Other Men who have Sex with Men Enrolled in an mHealth Adherence Intervention. AIDS and Behavior.
Miller-Perusse, M., Horvath, K. J., Kahle, E., & Stephenson, R. (in press). Gender minority stress, resilience, and psychological distress: The role of resilience among transgender and gender diverse youth. Transgender Health.
Storholm, ED, Ogunbajo, A, Nacht, CL, Opalo, C., Horvath, KJ, Lyman, P, Flynn, R, Reback, CJ, Blumenthal, J, Moore, DJ, Bolan, M, & Morris, S. (2022). Facilitators of PrEP persistence among Black and Latinx Transgender Women in a PrEP demonstration project in Southern California, Behavioral Medicine, in press.
Downing Jr, M. J., Wiatrek, S. E., Zahn, R. J., Mansergh, G., Olansky, E., Gelaude, D., Sullivan, P. S., Stephenson, R., Siegler, A. J., Bauermeister, J., Horvath, K. J., Chiasson, M. A., Yoon, I. S., Houang, S. T., Hernandez, A. J., & Hirshfield, S. (2023). Video selection and assessment for an app-based HIV prevention messaging intervention: formative research. Mhealth, 9:2. doi: 10.21037/mhealth-21-53.
Lindsey, JC, Hudgens, M, Gaur, AH, Horvath, KJ, Dallas, R, Heckman, B, Megan Mueller Johnson, MM, Amico, KR. (2023). Electronic dose monitoring device patterns in youth living with HIV enrolled in an adherence intervention clinical trial. Journal of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, 92(3),231-241. doi: 10.1097/QAI.0000000000003126.
Mancuso, N., Mansergh, G, Stephenson, R, Horvath, KJ, Hirshfield, S, Bauermeister, JA, Chiasson, MA, Downing, MJ, Sullivan, P. (2023). Factors associated with mobile app‐based ordering of HIV self‐test kits among men who have sex with men in Atlanta, Detroit and New York City: an exploratory secondary analysis of a randomized control trial, Journal of the International AIDS Society: May;26(5):e26100. doi: 10.1002/jia2.26100. PMID: 37221941; PMCID: PMC10206409.
Mireles, L., Horvath, K. J., Guadamuz, T. E., Waratworan, W., Kongjareon, Y., & Meyers-Pantele, S. A. (In Press). The moderating role of social support and HIV stigma on the association between depression and ART adherence among young Thai men who have sex with men. AIDS and Behavior; 27(9):2959-2968. doi: 10.1007/s10461-023-04018-y. PMID: 37000384; PMCID: PMC10524997.
Stamp, BF, Powers, KA, Horvath, KJ, Soberano, ZR, Hosek, SG, Stocks, JB, Rosso, MT, Hightow-Weidman, LB. Prediction of Sex and the Potential Use of On-Demand PrEP Among Young Men Who Have Sex With Men in the U.S. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 93(4):292-299. doi: 10.1097/QAI.0000000000003202. PMID: 36988569; PMCID: PMC10313737.
Stockman J, Anderson K, Fernandez DeSoto A, Campbell D, Tsuyuki K, Horvath KJ. A Trauma-Informed HIV Intervention (LinkPositively) to Improve HIV Care Among Black Women Affected by Interpersonal Violence: Protocol for a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. (2023) JMIR Res Protol, 12: e46325. doi: 10.2196/46325. PMID: 37405824; PMCID: PMC10357377.
Storholm, ED, Huang, W, Ogunbajo, A, Horvath, KJ, Reback, CJ, Blumenthal, J, Moore, DJ, Flynn, R, Bolan, M, Corado, K, & Morris, S. (2023). Gender-based violence and post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms predict HIV PrEP uptake and persistence failure among transgender and non-binary persons participating in a PrEP demonstration project in Southern California. AIDS and Behavior, 27(2):745-759. doi: 10.1007/s10461-022-03807-1. PMID: 36053404; PMCID: PMC9908815.
Sun, CJ, Shato, T, Steinbaugh, A, Pradeep, S, Amico, KR & Horvath, KJ. (2023). Virtual voices: Examining social support exchanged through participant-generated and unmoderated content in a mobile intervention to improve HIV antiretroviral therapy adherence among GBMSM, AIDS Care, 35(1), 7-15. https://doi.org/10.1080/09540121.2022.2038364
Meyers-Pantele, S. A., Rendina, H. J., Talan, A. J., Shalhav, O., Lammert, S., & Horvath, K. J. (2021). Characterizing substance use typologies and their association with HIV viral load outcomes: A latent class analysis among sexual minority men living with HIV. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 227, 108928. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2021.108928
Horvath, K. J., Bwanika, J. M., Lammert, S., Banonya, J., Atuhaire, J., Banturaki, G., Kamulegeya, L. H., Musinguzi, D., & Kiragga, A. N. (2022). HiSTEP: A Single-Arm Pilot Study of a Technology-Assisted HIV Self-testing Intervention in Kampala, Uganda. AIDS and Behavior, 26(3), 935–946. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10461-021-03449-9
Hong, C., Horvath, K. J., Stephenson, R., Nelson, K. M., Petroll, A. E., Walsh, J. L., & John, S. A. (2022). PrEP Use and Persistence Among Young Sexual Minority Men 17-24 Years Old During the COVID-19 Pandemic. AIDS and Behavior, 26(3), 631–638. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10461-021-03423-5
Groene, E. A., Horvath, K. J., Yared, N., Mohammed, I., Muscoplat, M., Kuramoto, S., Richter, T., & Kulasingam, S. (2021). Missed Opportunities for Human Papillomavirus Vaccination by Parental Nativity, Minnesota, 2015-2018. Public Health Reports (Washington, D.C. : 1974), 333549211027244. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/00333549211027244
Dietrich, J. J., Otwombe, K., Pakhomova, T. E., Horvath, K. J., Hornschuh, S., Hlongwane, K., Closson, K., Mulaudzi, M., Smith, P., Beksinska, M., Gray, G. E., Brockman, M., Smit, J., & Kaida, A. (2021). High cellphone use associated with greater risk of depression among young women aged 15-24 years in Soweto and Durban, South Africa. Global Health Action, 14(1), 1936792. https://doi.org/10.1080/16549716.2021.1936792
Meyers-Pantele, S. A., Lammert, S., Rendina, H. J., Shalhav, O., Talan, A. J., Smith, L. R., Pitpitan, E. V., & Horvath, K. J. (2022). Examining HIV Stigma, Depression, Stress, and Recent Stimulant Use in a Sample of Sexual Minority Men Living with HIV: An Application of the Stigma and Substance Use Process Model. AIDS and Behavior, 26(Suppl 1), 138–148. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10461-021-03517-0
Meyers-Pantele, S. A., Sullivan, P., Mansergh, G., Hirshfield, S., Stephenson, R., & Horvath, K. J. (2022). Race-Based Medical Mistrust, HIV-Related Stigma, and ART Adherence in a Diverse Sample of Men Who Have Sex with Men with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 26(5), 1456–1466. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10461-021-03500-9
Drab, R., Wolfe, J. R., Chavanduka, T., Bonar, E. E., Guest, J. L., Hightow-Weidman, L., Castel, A. D., J Horvath, K., Sullivan, P. S., Stephenson, R., & Bauermeister, J. (2022). Constructing a web-based health directory for adolescent men who have sex with men: Strategies for development and resource verification. Journal of Community Psychology, 50(3), 1597–1615. https://doi.org/10.1002/jcop.22738
Sullivan, P. S., Stephenson, R., Hirshfield, S., Mehta, C. C., Zahn, R., Bauermeister, J. A., Horvath, K., Chiasson, M. A., Gelaude, D., Mullin, S., Downing, M. J., Jr, Olansky, E. J., Wiatrek, S., Rogers, E. Q., Rosenberg, E., Siegler, A. J., & Mansergh, G. (2022). Behavioral Efficacy of a Sexual Health Mobile App for Men Who Have Sex With Men: Randomized Controlled Trial of Mobile Messaging for Men. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 24(2), e34574. https://doi.org/10.2196/34574
Lifson, A. R., Hailemichael, A., Workneh, S., MacLehose, R. F., Horvath, K. J., Hilk, R., Sites, A., Slater, L., & Shenie, T. (2022). A three-year randomized community trial of community support workers in rural Ethiopia to promote retention in HIV care. AIDS Care, 1–7. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/09540121.2022.2029819
Sun, C. J., Shato, T., Steinbaugh, A., Pradeep, S., Rivet Amico, K., & Horvath, K. (2022). Virtual voices: examining social support exchanged through participant-generated and unmoderated content in a mobile intervention to improve HIV antiretroviral therapy adherence among GBMSM. AIDS Care, 1–9. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/09540121.2022.2038364
Kamulegeya, L. Bwanika, JM, Banonya, H, Atuhaire, J, Musinguzi, D, Nakatte, V, Kyenkya, J,
Namatende, L, Kiragga, A, Horvath, KJ. (In press). Feasibility and acceptability of a digitally supported channel for behavioral messaging on modern contraception: A pilot cross-section study in Uganda. JMIR Formative Research.
Dang, M., Scheim, A. I., Teti, M., Quinn, K. G., Zarwell, M., Petroll, A. E., Horvath, K. J., & John, S. A. (2022). Barriers and Facilitators to HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Uptake, Adherence, and Persistence Among Transgender Populations in the United States: A Systematic Review. AIDS Patient Care and STDs, 36(6), 236–248. https://doi.org/10.1089/apc.2021.0236
Amico, K. R., Lindsey, J. C., Hudgens, M., Dallas, R., Horvath, K. J., Dunlap, A., Goolsby, R., Johnson, M. M., Heckman, B., Crawford, J., Secord, E., Purswani, M., Reirden, D., Rathore, M., Robinson, L. G., Gaur, A. H., & TERA Study Team (2022). Randomized Controlled Trial of a Remote Coaching mHealth Adherence Intervention in Youth Living with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 1–17. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10461-022-03717-2
Zapata, J. P., Dang, M., Quinn, K. G., Horvath, K. J., Stephenson, R., Dickson-Gomez, J., & John, S. A. (2022). COVID-19-Related Disruptions to HIV Testing and Prevention Among Young Sexual Minority Men 17-24 Years Old: A Qualitative Study Using Synchronous Online Focus Groups, April-September 2020. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 51(1), 303–314. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-021-02166-7
Sallabank, G., Chavanduka, T., Walsh, A. R., Sullivan, P., Wolfe, J., Filipowicz, R., Bonar, E. E., Horvath, K. J., Hailu, B., Bauermeister, J., & Stephenson, R. (2021). Mapping LGBTQ+ Youth Resource Density Across Four High HIV Prevalence Corridors in the US. Sexuality Research & Social Policy : Journal of NSRC : SR & SP, 1–15. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13178-021-00660-0
Petrova, M, Miller-Perusse M, Hirshfield, S, Carrico, A, & Horvath, KJ (2021). The beat goes on: Stimulant use and HIV in the era of COVID-19. JMIR Formative Research, in press.
Dietrick, JJ, Otwombe K, Pakhomova, T, Horvath, KJ, Hornschuh, S, Hlongwane, K, Closson, K, Mulaudzi, M, Smith, P, Beksinska, M, Gray, GE, Brokman, M, Smit, J, Kaidaon, A, and AYAZAZI team. (2021). High cellphone use associated with greater risk of depression among young women aged 15-24 years in Soweto and Durban, South Africa. Global Health Action, in press.
Groene EA, Horvath KJ, Yared N, Mohammed I, Muscoplat M, Kuramoto S, Richter T, Kulasingam S. Missed Opportunities for Human Papillomavirus Vaccination by Parental Nativity, Minnesota, 2015-2018. Public Health Rep. 2021 Jul 12:333549211027244. doi: 10.1177/00333549211027244. In press.
Hong C, Horvath KJ, Stephenson R, Nelson KM, Petroll AE, Walsh JL, John SA. (in press). PrEP Use and Persistence among Young Sexual Minority Men 17-24 Years Old during the COVID-19 Pandemic. AIDS and Behavior, in press.
Horvath, KJ, Bwanika, JM, Lammert, S, Banonya, J, Atuhaire, J, Banturaki, G, Kamulegeya, LH, Musinguzi, D, Kiragga, A. (2021). HiSTEP: A Single-Arm Pilot Study of a Technology-Assisted HIV Self-Testing Intervention in Kampala, Uganda. AIDS and Behavior, in press.
Meyers-Pantele, SA, Rendina, HJ, Talan, AJ, Shalhav, O, Lammert, S, Horvath, KJ. (2021). Characterizing substance use typologies and their association with HIV viral load outcomes: A latent class analysis among sexual minority men living with HIV. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, in press.
Zapata JP, Dang M, Quinn KG, Horvath KJ, Stephenson R, Dickson-Gomez J, John SA. (2021). COVID-19 Related Disruptions to HIV Testing and Prevention among Young Sexual Minority Men 17-24 Years Old: A Qualitative Study using Synchronous Online Focus Groups, April-September 2020. Archives of Sexual Behavior. In press.
Amico, K. R., Crawford, J., Ubong, I., Lindsey, J. C., Gaur, A. H., Horvath, K. J., Goolsby, R., Mueller Johnson, M., Dallas, R., Heckman, B., Filipowicz, T., Polier, M., Rupp, B. M., Hudgens, M. (2021). Correlates of High HIV Viral Load and Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence Among Viremic Youth in the United States Enrolled in an Adherence Improvement Intervention. AIDS patient care and STDs, 35(5), 145-157.
Dietrick, JJ, Benade, G, Mulaudzi, AK, Hornschuh, S, Makhale, L, Lemos, MP, Lazarus, E, Andrasik, MP, & Horvath, KJ. (2021). “You are on the right track with the app”: Qualitative analysis of mobile phone use and user feedback regarding mobile phone sexual risk assessment for HIV prevention research. Frontiers in Digital Health, 3, 21.
Gass, B. V., Horvath, K. J., Marrow, E., Rood, B. A., Pantalone, D. W. (2021). Associations Between Social Support Availability and HIV Risk and Protective Factors in a U.S. Sample of Adults with Diverse Transgender Identities. LGBT health, 8(1), 60-67.
Giovenco, D., Muessig, K. E., Horvitz, C., Biello, K. B., Liu, A. Y., Horvath, K. J., Golinkoff, J. M., Reback, C. J., Hightow-Weidman, L. (2021). Adapting technology-based HIV prevention and care interventions for youth: lessons learned across five U.S. Adolescent Trials Network studies. mHealth, 7, 21.
Hightow-Weidman, L. B., Horvath, K. J., Scott, H., Hill-Rorie, J., Bauermeister, J. A. (2021). Engaging youth in mHealth: what works and how can we be sure? mHealth, 7, 23.
Neilan, A. M., Bangs, A. C., Hudgens, M., Patel, K., Agwu, A. L., Bassett, I. V., Gaur, A. H., Hyle, E. P., Crespi, C. M., Horvath, K. J., Dugdale, C. M., Powers, K. A., Rendina, H. J., Weinstein, M. C., Walensky, R. P., Freedberg, K. A., Ciaranello, A. L. (2021). Modeling Adherence Interventions Among Youth with HIV in the United States: Clinical and Economic Projections. AIDS and Behavior, 25(9): 2973-2984.
Oldenburg, N. C., Horvath, K. J., Van’t Hof, J., Misialek, J. R., Hirsch, A. T. (2021). Promoting Aspirin Use for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Among an Adult Internet-Using Population: A Pilot Study. Frontiers in public health, 9, 500296.
Stephenson, R, Walsh, AR, Chavanduka, TMD, Sallabank, G, Horvath, KJ, Castel, AD, Hightow-Weidman, L, Bauermeister, JA, Sullivan, PS. (2021). Widespread closure of HIV prevention and care services places youth at higher risk during the COVID-19 epidemic, PLOS One, 16(9): e0249740.
Stockman, JK, Anderson, KM, Tsuyuki, K, & Horvath, KJ. (2021). LinkPositively: A Trauma-Informed Peer Navigation and Social Networking WebApp to Improve HIV Care among Black Women Affected by Interpersonal Violence. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 32(2), 166-188.
Yared, N, Malone, M, Welo, E, Mohammed, I, Groene, E., Flory, M, Basta, NE, Horvath, KJ, and Kulasingam, S. (2021). Challenges related to human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine uptake in Minnesota: Clinician and stakeholder perspectives. Cancer Causes & Control, 32(10), 1107–1116.
Carrico, A. W., Horvath, K. J., Grov, C., Moskowitz, J. T., Pahwa, S., Pallikkuth, S., Hirshfield, S. (2020). Double Jeopardy: Methamphetamine Use and HIV as Risk Factors for COVID-19. (11th ed., vol. 24, pp. 3020-3023).
Nelson, K. M., Perry, N. S., Horvath, K. J., Smith, L. R. (2020). A systematic review of mHealth interventions for HIV prevention and treatment among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. Translational behavioral medicine, 10(5), 1211-1220.
Lifson, AR, Workneh, S, Hailemichael, A, Mac6Lehose, RF, Horvath, KJ, Hilk, R, Sites A, & Shenie, T (2020) Disclosure of HIV status among patients new to HIV care in Southern Ethiopia: role of perceived social support and other factors, AIDS Care, DOI: 10.1080/09540121.2020.1785999
Carrico, A. W., Horvath, K. J., Grov, C., Moskowitz, J. T., Pahwa, S., Pallikkuth, S., & Hirshfield, S. (Accepted/In press). Double Jeopardy: Methamphetamine Use and HIV as Risk Factors for COVID-19. AIDS and Behavior. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10461-020-02854-w
Horvath, KJ, Walker, T, Mireles, L, Bauermeister, JA, Hightow-Weidman, L, & Stephenson, R. (2020). A systematic review of technology-assisted HIV testing interventions. Current HIV/AIDS Reports. In press.
Benkeser D, Horvath K, Reback CJ, Rusow J, Hudgens M (2020). Design and Analysis Considerations for a Sequentially Randomized HIV Prevention Trial. Statistics in Biosciences. Available online. doi: 10.1007/s12561-020-09274-3.
Pantalone, DW, Nelson, KM, Batchelder, AW, Chiu, C, Gunn, HA, & Horvath, KJ (2020). A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Combination Behavioral Interventions Co-Targeting Psychosocial Syndemics and HIV-Related Health Behaviors for Sexual Minority Men, The Journal of Sex Research, DOI: 10.1080/00224499.2020.1728514
Mikal, J. P., Beckstrand, M. J., Parks, E., Oyenuga, M., Odebunmi, T., Okedele, O., Uchino, B., Horvath, K. J. (2020). Online social support among breast cancer patients: longitudinal changes to Facebook use following breast cancer diagnosis and transition off therapy. Journal of Cancer Survivorship. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11764-019-00847-w
Mikal J.P., Beckstrand M.J., Grande SW, Parks E, Oyenuga M., Odebunmi T., Okedele O., Bert Uchino B., & Horvath K (2020). Online Support Seeking and Breast Cancer Patients: Changes in Support Seeking Behavior following Diagnosis and Transition off Cancer Therapy, Health Communication, DOI: 10.1080/10410236.2020.1712519
Carrico, A.W., Neilands, T.B., Dilworth, S.E., Evans, J.L., Gomez W., Jain, J.P., Gandhi, M., Shoptaw, s., Horvath, K.J., Coffin, L., Discepola, M.V., Andrews, R., Woods, W.J., Feaster, D.J., & Moskowitz, J.T. (in press). Randomized Controlled Trial of a Positive Affect Intervention to Reduce HIV Viral Load Among Sexual Minority Men Who Use Methamphetamine. Journal of International AIDS Society.
Horvath, K. J., Lammert, S., Danh, T., Mitchell, J. W. (2019). The Feasibility, Acceptability and Preliminary Impact of Mobile Application to Increase Repeat HIV Testing Among Sexual Minority Men. AIDS and Behavior. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10461-019-02755-7
Lee, J. S., Safren, S. A., Bainter, S. A., Rodriguez-Diaz, C. E., Horvath, K. J., Blashill, A. J. (2019). Examining a Syndemics Network Among Young Latino Men Who Have Sex with Men. International journal of behavioral medicine.
Bauermeister, J. A., Golinkoff, J. M., Lin, W. Y., Claude, K. F., Horvath, K. J., Dowshen, N., Schlupp, A., Vickroy, W. J., Desir, K., Lopez, A. V., Castillo, M., Tanney, M., Wimbly, T. A., Leung, K., Sullivan, P. S., Santiago, D. L., Hernandez, R., Paul, M. E., Hightow-Weidman, L., Lee, S., Stephenson, R. (2019). Testing the Testers: Are Young Men Who Have Sex With Men Receiving Adequate HIV Testing and Counseling Services? Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999), 82 Suppl 2, S133-S141.
Stephenson, R., Todd, K., Kahle, E., Sullivan, S. P., Miller-Perusse, M., Sharma, A., Horvath, K. J. (2019). Project Moxie: Results of a Feasibility Study of a Telehealth Intervention to Increase HIV Testing Among Binary and Nonbinary Transgender Youth. AIDS and behavior.
Sullivan, P. S., Zahn, R. J., Wiatrek, S., Chandler, C. J., Hirshfield, S., Stephenson, R., Bauermeister, J. A., Chiasson, M. A., Downing, Jr, M. J., Gelaude, D. J., Siegler, A. J., Horvath, K. J., Rogers, E., Alas, A., Olansky, E. J., Saul, H., Rosenberg, E. S., Mansergh, G. (2019). HIV Prevention Via Mobile Messaging for Men Who Have Sex With Men (M-Cubed): Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR research protocols, 8(11), e16439.
Horvath, K. J., Lammert, S., MacLehose, R. F., Danh, T., Baker, J. V., Carrico, A. W. (2019). A Pilot Study of a Mobile App to Support HIV Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence Among Men Who Have Sex with Men Who Use Stimulants. AIDS and behavior, 23(11), 3184-3198.
Horvath, K. J., Lammert, S., Martinka, A., Erickson, D. (2019). Defining Sexual Risk in the Era of Biomedical HIV Prevention: Implications for HIV Research and Practice. Archives of sexual behavior.
Teran, R. A., Carrico, A. W., Horvath, K. J., Downing, Jr, M. J., Chiasson, M. A., Walters, S. M., Hirshfield, S. (2019). Stimulant Use and Study Protocol Completion: Assessing the Ability of Men Who Have Sex with Men to Collect Dried Blood Spots for Laboratory Measurement of HIV Viral Load. Archives of sexual behavior.
Blashill, A. J., Brady, J.P., Rooney, B. M., Rodriguez-Diaz, C. E., Horvath, K. J., Blumenthal, J., Morris, S., Moore, D. J., Safren, S. A. (2019). Syndemics and the PrEP Cascade: Results from a Sample of Young Latino Men Who Have Sex with Men. Archives of sexual behavior.
Horvath, K. J., Todd, K., Arayasirikul, S., Cotta, N. W., Stephenson, R. (2019). Underutilization of Pre Exposure Prophylaxis Services Among Transgender and Nonbinary Youth: Findings from Project Moxie and TechStep. Transgender health, 4(1), 217-221.
Jordan, V. A., Lunos, S., Sieger, G., Horvath, K. J., Cohen, S., Misono, S. (2019). Association of voice and mental health diagnoses with differences in voice-related care utilization. The Laryngoscope.
Groene, E. A., Mohammed, I., Horvath, K. J., Basta, N. E., Yared, N., Kulasingam, S. (2019). Online media scans: Applying systematic review techniques to assess statewide human papillomavirus vaccination activities. Journal of public health research, 8(2), 1623.
Enns, E. A., Reilly, C. S., Horvath, K. J., Baker-James, K., Henry, K. (2019). HIV Care Trajectories as a Novel Longitudinal Assessment of Retention in Care. AIDS and behavior, 23(9), 2532-2541.
Naar, S., Hudgens, M. G., Brookmeyer, R., ldalski Carcone, A., Chapman, J., Chowdhury, S., Ciaranello, A., Comulada, W. S., Ghosh, S., Horvath, K. J., Ingram, L., LeGrand, S., Reback, C. J., Simpson, K., Stanton, 8., Starks, T., Swendeman, D. (2019). Improving the Youth HIV Prevention and Care Cascades: Innovative Designs in the Adolescent Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions. AIDS patient care and STDs, 33(9), 388-398.
Horvath, K.J., MacLehose, R. F., Martinka, A., DeWitt, J., Hightow-Weidman, L., Sullivan, P., Amico, K. R. (2019). Connecting Youth and Young Adults to Optimize Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence (YouTHrive): Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR research protocols, 8(7), e11502
Miller-Perusse, M., Horvath, K. J., Chavanduka, T., Stephenson, R. (2019). Recruitment and Enrollment of a National Sample of Transgender Youth via Social Media: Experiences from Project Moxie. Transgender health, 4(1), 157-161.
Yared, N. F., Horvath, K. J., Baker, J. V., Thyagarajan, 8., Waterboer, T., Kulasingam, S. (2019). Concordance of Self- and Clinician-Collected Anal Swabs to Detect Human Papillomavirus in a Sample of HIV-Negative Men. Journal of lower genital tract disease, 23(3), 200-204.
Mitchell, J. W., Lammert, S., Danh, T., Horvath, K. J. (2019). Optimizing enrollment methods: Lessons learned from an mHealth, pilot HIV prevention randomized controlled trial with sexual minority men. International journal of STD & AIDS, 30(7), 703-706.
Neilan, A. M., Patel, K., Agwu, A. L., Bassett, I. V., Amico, K. R., Crespi, C. M., Gaur, A. H., Horvath, K. J., Powers, K. A., Rendina, H. J., Hightow-Weidman, L. B., Li, X., Naar, S., Nachman, S., Parsons, J. T., Simpson, K. N., Stanton, 8. F., Freedberg, K. A., Bangs, A. C., Hudgens, M. G., Ciaranello, A. L. (2019). Model-Based Methods to Translate Adolescent Medicine Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions Findings Into Policy Recommendations: Rationale and Protocol for a Modeling Core (ATN 161). JMIR research protocols, 8(4), e9898.
Brady, J. P., Nogg, K. A., Rozzell, K. N., Rodriguez-Diaz, C. E., Horvath, K. J., Safren, S. A., Blashill, A. J. (2019). Body image and condomless anal sex among Young Latino sexual minority men. Behaviour research and therapy, 115, 129-134.
Amico, K. R., Dunlap, A., Dallas, R., Lindsey, J., Heckman, 8., Flynn, P., Lee, S., Horvath, K. J., West Goolsby, R., Hudgens, M., Filipowicz, T., Polier, M., Hill, E., Mueller Johnson, M., Miller, J., Neilan, A., Ciaranello, A., Gaur, A. (2019). Triggered Escalating Real-Time Adherence Intervention to Promote Rapid HIV Viral Suppression Among Youth Living With HIV Failing Antiretroviral Therapy: Protocol for a Triggered Escalating Real-Time Adherence Intervention. JMIR research protocols, 8(3), e11416.
Lifson, A. R., Workneh, S., Hailemichael, A., MacLehose, R. F., Horvath, K. J., Hilk, R., Sites, A. R., Shenie, T. (2019). Advanced HIV Disease among Males and Females Initiating HIV Care in Rural Ethiopia. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care, 18, 2325958219847199.
Bonett, S., Connochie, D., Golinkoff, J. M., Horvath, K. J., Bauermeister, J. A. (2018). Paradata Analysis of an eHealth HIV Testing Intervention for Young Men Who Have Sex With Men. AIDS education and prevention: official publication of the International Society for AIDS Education, 30(5), 434-447.
Patel, V. V., Ginsburg, Z., Golub, S. A., Horvath, K. J., Rios, N., Mayer, K. H., Kim, R. S., Arnsten, J. H. (2018). Empowering With PrEP (E-PrEP), a Peer-Led Social Media-Based Intervention to Facilitate HIV Preexposure Prophylaxis Adoption Among Young Black and Latinx Gay and Bisexual Men: Protocol for a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR research protocols, 7(8), e11375.
Bauermeister, J. A., Golinkoff, J. M., Horvath, K. J., Hightow-Weidman, L. 8., Sullivan, P. S., Stephenson, R. (2018). A Multilevel Tailored Web App-Based Intervention for Linking Young Men Who Have Sex With Men to Quality Care (Get Connected): Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR research protocols, 7(8), e10444.
Bauermeister, J., Sullivan, P. S., Gravens, L., Wolfe, J., Countryman, K., Smith-Bankhead, N., Drab, R. A., Sallabank, G., Helms, J. D., Khatibi, K., Filipowicz, R., Horvath, K. J., Bonar, E., Castel, A., Hightow Weidman, L., Guest, J., Stephenson, R. (2018). Reducing HIV Vulnerability Through a Multilevel Life Skills Intervention for Adolescent Men (The iREACH Project): Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR research protocols, 7(7), e10174.
Hirshfield, S., Downing, Jr, M. J., Horvath, K. J., Swartz, J. A., Chiasson, M. A. (2018). Adapting Andersen’s Behavioral Model of Health Service Use to Examine Risk Factors for Hypertension Among U.S. MSM. American journal of men’s health, 12(4), 788-797.
Lifson, A. R., Workneh, S., Hailemichael, A., MacLehose, R. F., Horvath, K. J., Hilk, R., Fabian, L., Sites, A., Shenie, T. (2018). A multi-site community randomized trial of community health workers to provide counseling and support for patients newly entering HIV care in rural Ethiopia: study design and baseline implementation. HIV clinical trials, 19(3), 112-119.
Horvath, K. J., Amico, K. R., Erickson, D., Ecklund, A. M., Martinka, A., DeWitt, J., McLaughlin, J., Parsons, J. T. (2018). Thrive With Me: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial to Test a Peer Support Intervention to Improve Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence Among Men Who Have Sex With Men. JMIR research protocols, 7(5), e10182.
Yared, N., Horvath, K. J., Fashanu, 0., Zhao, R., Baker, J., Kulasingam, S. (2018). Optimizing Screening for Sexually Transmitted Infections in Men Using Self-Collected Swabs: A Systematic Review. Sexually transmitted diseases, 45(5), 294-300.
Mitchell, J., Torres, M. 8., Asmar, L., Danh, T., Horvath, K. J. (2018). Developing Sustainable and lmpactful Mobile Phone HIV Testing Interventions for Spanish-Speaking Men Who Have Sex With Men in the United States: Lessons Learned From Informative Interviews. JMIR public health and surveillance, 4(2), e45.
Lutsey, P. L., Horvath, K. J., Fullam, L., Moll, S., Rooney, M. R., Cushman, M., Zakai, N. A. (2018). Anticoagulant Preferences and Concerns among Venous Thromboembolism Patients. Thrombosis and haemostasis, 118(3), 553-561.
Lenk, K. M., Erickson, D. J., Nelson, T. F., Horvath, K. J., Nederhoff, D. M., Hunt, S. L., Ecklund, A. M., Toomey, T. L. (2018). Changes in alcohol policies and practices in bars and restaurants after completion of manager-focused responsible service training. Drug and alcohol review, 37(3), 356-364.
Bauermeister, J. A., Golinkoff, J. M., Muessig, K. E., Horvath, K. J., Hightow-Weidman, L. B. (2017). Addressing engagement in technology-based behavioural HIV interventions through paradata metrics. Current opinion in HIV and AIDS, 12(5), 442-446.
Ecklund, A. M., Nederhoff, D. M., Hunt, S. L., Horvath, K. J., Nelson, T. F., Plum, J. E., Toomey, T. L. (2017). Attitudes and Practices Regarding Responsible Beverage Service: Focus Group Discussions With Bar and Restaurant Management and Staff. Journal of drug education, 47(3-4), 87-107.
Muessig, K. E., LeGrand, S., Horvath, K. J., Bauermeister, J. A., Hightow-Weidman, L.B. (2017). Recent mobile health interventions to support medication adherence among HIV-positive MSM. Current opinion in HIV and AIDS, 12(5), 432-441.
Horvath, K. J., Lammert, S., LeGrand, S., Muessig, K. E., Bauermeister, J. A. (2017). Using technology to assess and intervene with illicit drug-using persons at risk for HIV. Current opinion in HIV and AIDS, 12(5), 458-466.
LeGrand, S., Muessig, K. E., Horvath, K. J., Rosengren, A. L., Hightow-Weidman, L. B. (2017). Using technology to support HIV self-testing among MSM. Current opinion in HIV and AIDS, 12(5), 425-431.
Seplovich, G., Horvath, K. J., Haughton, L. J., Blackstock, 0. J. (2017). Get+Connected: Development and Pilot Testing of an Intervention to Improve Computer and Internet Attitudes and Internet Use Among Women Living With HIV. JMIR research protocols, 6(3), e50.
Toomey, T. L., Lenk, K. M., Erickson, D. J., Horvath, K. J., Ecklund, A. M., Nederhoff, D. M., Hunt, S. L., Nelson, T. F. (2017). Effects of a Hybrid Online and In-Person Training Program Designed to Reduce Alcohol Sales to Obviously Intoxicated Patrons. Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs, 78(2), 268-275.
Helmers, S. L., Kobau, R., Sajatovic, M., Jobst, B. C., Privitera, M., Devinsky, 0., Labiner, D., Escoffery, C., Begley, C. E., Shegog, R., Pandey, D., Fraser, R. T., Johnson, E. K., Thompson, N. J., Horvath, K. J. (2017). Self-management in epilepsy: Why and how you should incorporate self-management in your practice. Epilepsy & behavior: E&B, 68, 220-224.
Horvath, K. J., Bauermeister, J. A. (2017). eHealth Literacy and Intervention Tailoring Impacts the Acceptability of a HIV/STI Testing Intervention and Sexual Decision Making Among Young Gay and Bisexual Men. AIDS education and prevention : official publication of the International Society for AIDS Education, 29(1), 14-23.
Horvath, K. J., Meyer, C., Rosser, B. R. (2017). Men Who have Sex with Men Who Believe that Their State has a HIV Criminal Law Report Higher Condomless Anal Sex than Those Who are Unsure of the Law in Their State. AIDS and behavior, 21(1 ), 51-58.
Nederhoff, D. M., Lenk, K. M., Horvath, K. J., Nelson, T. F., Ecklund, A. M., Erickson, D. J., Toomey, T. L. (2016). Alcohol Service Practices: A Survey of Bar and Restaurant Managers. Journal of drug education, 46(3-4), 64-81.
Mitchell, J. W., Torres, M. B., Joe, J., Danh, T., Gass, B., Horvath, K. J. (2016). Formative Work to Develop a Tailored HIV Testing Smartphone App for Diverse, At-Risk, HIV-Negative Men Who Have Sex With Men: A Focus Group Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 4(4), e128.
Marmor, S., Horvath, K. J., Lim, K. 0., Misono, S. (2016). Voice problems and depression among adults in the United States. The Laryngoscope, 126(8), 1859-64.
Horvath, K. J., Alemu, D., Danh, T., Baker, J. V., Carrico, A. W. (2016). Creating Effective Mobile Phone Apps to Optimize Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence: Perspectives From Stimulant-Using HIV-Positive Men Who Have Sex With Men. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 4(2), e48.
Patel, V. V., Masyukova, M., Sutton, D., Horvath, K. J. (2016). Social Media Use and HIV-Related Risk Behaviors in Young Black and Latino Gay and Bi Men and Transgender Individuals in New York City: Implications for Online Interventions. Journal of urban health: bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 93(2), 388-99.
Toomey, T. L., Lenk, K. M., Nederhoff, D. M., Nelson, T. F., Ecklund, A. M., Horvath, K. J., Erickson, D. J. (2016). Can Obviously Intoxicated Patrons Still Easily Buy Alcohol at On-Premise Establishments?Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research, 40(3), 616-22.
Blackstock, 0. J., Cunningham, C. 0., Haughton, L. J., Garner, R. Y., Norwood, C., Horvath, K. J. (2016). Higher eHealth Literacy is Associated With HIV Risk Behaviors among HIV-Infected Women Who Use the Internet. The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care : JANAC, 27(1), 102-8.
Simoni, J.M., Kutner, B. A., Horvath, K. J. (2015). Opportunities and Challenges of Digital Technology for HIV Treatment and Prevention. Current HIV/AIDS reports, 12(4), 437-40.
Chai, P.R., Castillo-Mancilla, J., Buffkin, E., Darling, C., Rosen, R. K., Horvath, K. J., Boudreaux, E. D., Robbins, G. K., Hibberd, P. L., Boyer, E.W. (2015). Utilizing an Ingestible Biosensor to Assess Real Time Medication Adherence. Journal of medical toxicology : official journal of the American College of Medical Toxicology, 11(4), 439-44.
Bauermeister, J. A., Pingel, E. S., Jadwin-Cakmak, L., Harper, G. W., Horvath, K. J., Weiss, G., Dittus, P. (2015). Acceptability and preliminary efficacy of a tailored online HIV/STI testing intervention for young men who have sex with men: the Get Connected! program. AIDS and behavior, 19(10), 1860-74.
Page, T. F., Nederhoff, D. M., Ecklund, A. M., Horvath, K. J., Nelson, T. F., Erickson, D. J., Toomey, T. L. (2015). A cost analysis of web-enhanced training to reduce alcohol sales to intoxicated bar patrons.Journal of alcohol and drug education, 59(2), 25-42.
Blackstock, 0. J., Shah, P.A., Haughton, L. J., Horvath, K. J., Cunningham, C. 0. (2015). HIV-infected Women’s Perspectives on the Use of the Internet for Social Support: A Potential Role for Online Group based Interventions. The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care: JANAC, 26(4), 411-9.
Johnson, K. R., Fuchs, E., Horvath, K. J., Seal, P. (2015). Distressed and looking for help: Internet intervention support for arthritis self-management. The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine, 56(6), 666-71.
Trceen, B., Noor, S. W., Hald, G. M., Rosser, B. R., Brady, S. S., Erickson, D., Galas, D. L., Grey, J. A., Horvath, K. J., lantaffi, A., Kilian, G., Wilkerson, J. M. (2015). Examining the relationship between use of sexually explicit media and sexual risk behavior in a sample of men who have sex with men in Norway. Scandinavian journal of psychology, 56(3), 290-6.
Pantalone, D. W., Horvath, K. J., Hart, T. A., Valentine, S. E., Kaysen, D. L. (2015). Traumatic revictimization of men who have sex with men living with HIV/AIDS. Journal of interpersonal violence, 30(9), 1459-77.
Carreiro, S., Smelson, D., Ranney, M., Horvath, K. J., Picard, R. W., Boudreaux, E. D., Hayes, R., Boyer, E.W. (2015). Real-time mobile detection of drug use with wearable biosensors: a pilot study. Journal of medical toxicology : official journal of the American College of Medical Toxicology, 11(1), 73-9.
Horvath, K. J., Ecklund, A. M., Hunt, S. L., Nelson, T. F., Toomey, T. L. (2015). Developing Internet based health interventions: a guide for public health researchers and practitioners. Journal of medical Internet research, 17( 1), e28.
Blackstock, 0. J., Haughton, L. J., Garner, R. Y., Horvath, K. J., Norwood, C., Cunningham, C. 0. (2015). General and health-related Internet use among an urban, community-based sample of HIV positive women: implications for intervention development. AIDS care, 27(4), 536-44.
Kodatt, S. A., Shenk, J.E., Williams, M. L., Horvath, K. J. (2014). Leadership Qualities Emerging in an Online Social Support Group Intervention. Sexual and relationship therapy: journal of the British Association for Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 29(4), 467-475.
Horvath, K. J., Smolenski, D., Amico, K. R. (2014). An empirical test of the information-motivation behavioral skills model of ART adherence in a sample of HIV-positive persons primarily in out-of-HIV care settings. AIDS care, 26(2), 142-51.
Mitchell, J. W., Horvath, K. J. (2013). Factors associated with regular HIV testing among a sample of US MSM with HIV-negative main partners. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999), 64(4), 417-23.
Wilkerson, J.M., lantaffi, A., Smolenski, D. J., Horvath, K. J., Rosser, B. R. (2013). Acceptability of HIV prevention messages in sexually explicit media viewed by men who have sex with men. AIDS education and prevention: official publication of the International Society for AIDS Education, 25(4), 315-26.
Horvath, K. J., Oakes, J. M., Rosser, B. R., Danilenko, G., Vezina, H., Amico, K. R., Williams, M. L., Simoni, J. (2013). Feasibility, acceptability and preliminary efficacy of an online peer-to-peer social support ART adherence intervention. AIDS and behavior, 17(6), 2031-44.
O’Leary, A., Horvath, K. J., Simon Rosser, B. R. (2013). Associations between partner-venue specific personal responsibility beliefs and transmission risk behavior by HIV-positive men who have sex with men (MSM). AIDS and behavior, 17(5), 1855-61.
Rosser, B. R., Smolenski, D. J., Erickson, D., lantaffi, A., Brady, S. S., Grey, J. A., Hald, G. M., Horvath, K. J., Kilian, G., Trceen, B., Wilkerson, J. M. (2013). The effects of gay sexually explicit media on the HIV risk behavior of men who have sex with men. AIDS and behavior, 17(4), 1488-98.
Horvath, K. J., Carrico, A. W., Simoni, J., Boyer, E.W., Amico, K. R., Petroll, A. E. (2013). Engagement in HIV Medical Care and Technology Use among Stimulant-Using and Nonstimulant-Using Men who have Sex with Men. AIDS research and treatment, 2013, 121352.
Horvath, K. J., Wilkerson, J. M., McFarlane, M., Courtenay-Quirk, C. (2012). Developing and maintaining HIV-related websites: a view from the other side. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 27(2), 162-175. https://doi.org/10.1080/14681994.2012.686662.
Wells, C. K., McMorris, B. J., Horvath, K. J., Garwick, A. W., Seal, P. B. (2012). Youth report of healthcare transition counseling and autonomy support from their rheumatologist. Pediatric rheumatology online joumal, 10(1), 36.
Horvath, K. J., Eastman, M., Prosser, R., Goodroad, B., Worthington, L. (2012). Addressing smoking during medical visits: patients with human immunodeficiency virus. American journal of preventive medicine, 43(5 Suppl 3), S214-21.
Rosser, B. R., Grey, J. A., Wilkerson, J. M., lantaffi, A., Brady, S. S., Smolenski, D. J., Horvath, K. J. (2012). A commentary on the role of sexually explicit media (SEM) in the transmission and prevention of HIV among men who have sex with men (MSM). AIDS and behavior, 16(6), 1373-81.
Seburg, E. M., Horvath, K. J., Garwick, A. W., McMorris, B. J., Vehe, R. K., Seal, P. (2012). Complementary and alternative medicine use among youth with juvenile arthritis: are youth using CAM, but not talking about it? The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine, 51(2), 200-2.
Walsh, E. C., Horvath, K. J., Fisher, H., Courtenay-Quirk, C. (2012). The experiences, needs, and Internet use of women recently diagnosed with HIV. The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care: JANAC, 23(4), 329-38.
Page, T. F., Horvath, K. J., Danilenko, G. P., Williams, M. (2012). A cost analysis of an Internet-based medication adherence intervention for people living with HIV. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999), 60(1), 1-4.
Horvath, K. J., Danilenko, G. P., Williams, M. L., Simoni, J., Amico, K. R., Oakes, J. M., Simon Rosser, B. R. (2012). Technology use and reasons to participate in social networking health websites among people living with HIV in the US. AIDS and behavior, 16(4), 900-10.
Nguyen, R.H., MacLehose, R. F., Veasley, C., Turner, R. M., Harlow, B. L., Horvath, K. J. (2012). Comfort in discussing vulvar pain in social relationships among women with vulvodynia. The Journal of reproductive medicine, 57(3-4), 109-14.
Horvath, K. J., Nygaard, K., Danilenko, G. P., Goknur, S., Oakes, J. M., Rosser, B. R. (2012). Strategies to retain participants in a long-term HIV prevention randomized controlled trial: lessons from the MINTS-II study. AIDS and behavior, 16(2), 469-79.
Horvath, K. J., lantaffi, A., Grey, J. A., Bockting, W. (2012). A review of the content and format of transgender-related webpages. Health communication, 27(5), 457-66.
Horvath, K. J., Smolenski, D., lantaffi, A., Grey, J. A., Rosser, B. R. (2012). Discussions of viral load in negotiating sexual episodes with primary and casual partners among men who have sex with men. AIDS care, 24(8), 1052-5.
Wilkerson, J. M., lantaffi, A., Smolenski, D. J., Brady, S. S., Horvath, K. J., Grey, J. A., Rosser, B. R. (2012). The SEM Risk Behavior (SRB) Model: A New Conceptual Model of how Pornography Influences the Sexual Intentions and HIV Risk Behavior of MSM. Sexual and relationship therapy: journal of the British Association for Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 27(3), 217-230.
Secor-Turner, M., Seal, P., Garwick, A., Horvath, K. J., Wells, C. K. (2011). Living with juvenile arthritis: adolescents’ challenges and experiences. Journal of pediatric health care : official publication of National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates & Practitioners, 25(5), 302-7.
Rosser, B. R., Wilkerson, J. M., Smolenski, D. J., Oakes, J. M., Konstan, J., Horvath, K. J., Kilian, G. R., Novak, D. S., Danilenko, G. P., Morgan, R. (2011). The future of Internet-based HIV prevention: a report. on key findings from the Men’s INTernet (MINTS-I, II) Sex Studies. AIDS and behavior, 15 Suppl 1, S91- 100.
Ostergren, J. E., Rosser, B. R., Horvath, K. J. (2011). Reasons for non-use of condoms among men who have sex with men: a comparison of receptive and insertive role in sex and online and offline meeting venue. Culture, health & sexuality, 13(2), 123-40.
Horvath, K. J., Nygaard, K., Simon Rosser, B. R. (2010). Ascertaining partner HIV status and its association with sexual risk behavior among internet-using men who have sex with men. AIDS and behavior, 14(6), 1376-83.
Wilkerson, J.M., Smolenski, D. J., Horvath, K. J., Danilenko, G. P., Simon Rosser, B. R. (2010). Online and offline sexual health-seeking patterns of HIV-negative men who have sex with men. AIDS and behavior, 14(6), 1362-70.
Coleman, E., Horvath, K. J., Miner, M., Ross, M. W., Oakes, M., Rosser, B. R. (2010). Compulsive sexual behavior and risk for unsafe sex among internet using men who have sex with men. Archives of sexual behavior, 39(5), 1045-53.
Horvath, K. J., Weinmeyer, R., Rosser, S. (2010). Should it be illegal for HIV-positive persons to have unprotected sex without disclosure? An examination of attitudes among US men who have sex with men and the impact of state law. AIDS care, 22(10), 1221-8.
Rosser, B. R., Oakes, J. M., Konstan, J., Hooper, S., Horvath, K. J., Danilenko, G. P., Nygaard, K. E., Smolenski, D. J. (2010). Reducing HIV risk behavior of men who have sex with men through persuasive computing: results of the Men’s INTernet Study-II. AIDS {London, England), 24(13), 2099-107.
Horvath, K. J., Harwood, E. M., Courtenay-Quirk, C., McFarlane, M., Fisher, H., Dickenson, T., Kachur, R., Rosser, B. R., O’Leary, A. (2010). Online resources for persons recently diagnosed with HIV/AIDS: an analysis of HIV-related webpages. Journal of health communication, 15(5), 516-31.
Courtenay-Quirk, C., Horvath, K. J., Ding, H., Fisher, H., McFarlane, M., Kachur, R., O’Leary, A., Rosser, B. R., Harwood, E. (2010). Perceptions of HIV-related websites among persons recently diagnosed with HIV. AIDS patient care and STDs, 24(2), 105-15.
Scal, P. B., Garwick, A. E., Horvath, K. J. (2012). Making rheumtogrow: The rationale and framework for an internet-based health care transition intervention. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 107-119.
Seibel, S.L, Rosser, B.R.S., Horvath, K. J., Evans, C.D. (2009). Sexual Dysfunction, Paraphilias and their Relationship to Childhood Abuse in Men who have Sex with Men. International Journal of Sexual Health, 21(2), 79-86. https://doi.org/10.1080/19317610902773062
Horvath, K. J., Courtenay-Quirk, C., Harwood, E., Fisher, H., Kachur, R., McFarlane, M., O’Leary, A., Rosser, B. R. (2009). Using the Internet to provide care for persons living with HIV. AIDS patient care and STDs, 23(12), 1033-41.
Hatfield, L. A., Horvath, K. J., Jacoby, S. M., Simon Rosser, B. R. (2009). Comparison of substance use and risky sexual behavior among a diverse sample of urban, HIV-positive men who have sex with men. Journal of addictive diseases, 28(3), 208-18.
Rosser, B. R., Oakes, J. M., Horvath, K. J., Konstan, J. A., Danilenko, G. P., Peterson, J. L. (2009). HIV sexual risk behavior by men who use the Internet to seek sex with men: results of the Men’s INTernet Sex Study-II (MINTS-II). AIDS and behavior, 13(3), 488-98.
Rosser, B. R., Gurak, L., Horvath, K. J., Oakes, J.M., Konstan, J., Danilenko, G. P. (2009). The Challenges of Ensuring Participant Consent in Internet-based Sex Studies: A Case Study of the Men’s INTernet Sex (MINTS-I and II) Studies. Journal of computer-mediated communication: JCMC, 14(3).
Seal, P., Horvath, K. J., Garwick, A. (2009). Preparing for adulthood: health care transition counseling for youth with arthritis. Arthritis and rheumatism, 61(1), 52-7.
Hooper, S., Rosser, B. R., Horvath, K. J., Oakes, J.M., Danilenko, G. (2008). An online needs assessment of a virtual community: what men who use the internet to seek sex with men want in Internet-based HIV prevention. AIDS and behavior, 12(6), 867-75.
Simon Rosser, B. R., Horvath, K. J., Hatfield, L.A., Peterson, J. L., Jacoby, S., Stately, A. (2008). Predictors of HIV disclosure to secondary partners and sexual risk behavior among a high-risk sample of HIV-positive MSM: results from six epicenters in the US. AIDS care, 20(8), 925-30.
Horvath, K. J., Oakes, J.M., Rosser, B. R. (2008). Sexual negotiation and HIV serodisclosure among men who have sex with men with their online and offiine partners. Journal of urban health : bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 85(5), 744-58.
Horvath, K. J., Rosser, B. R., Remafedi, G. (2008). Sexual risk taking among young internet-using men who have sex with men. American journal of public health, 98(6), 1059-67.
Rosser, B. R., Horvath, K. J. (2008). Predictors of success in implementing HIV prevention in rural America: a state-level structural factor analysis of HIV prevention targeting men who have sex with men. AIDS and behavior, 12(2), 159-68.
Horvath, K. J., Beadnell, B., Bowen, A. M. (2007). A daily web diary of the sexual experiences of men who have sex with men: comparisons with a retrospective recall survey. AIDS and behavior, 11(4), 537- 48.
Pequegnat, W., Rosser, B. R., Bowen, A. M., Bull, S. S., DiClemente, R. J., Bockting, W. 0., Elford, J., Fishbein, M., Gurak, L., Horvath, K. J., Konstan, J., Noar, S. M., Ross, M. W., Sherr, L., Spiegel, D., Zimmerman, R. (2007). Conducting Internet-based HIV/STD prevention survey research: considerations in design and evaluation. AIDS and behavior, 11(4), 505-21.
Bowen, A. M., Horvath, K. J., Williams, M. L. (2007). A randomized control trial of Internet-delivered HIV prevention targeting rural MSM. Health education research, 22(1), 120-7.
Horvath, K. J., Calsyn, D. A., Terry, C., Cotton, A. (2007). Erectile dysfunction medication use among men seeking substance abuse treatment. Journal of addictive diseases, 26(4), 7-13.
Horvath, K. J., Beadnell, B., Bowen, A. M. (2006). Sensation seeking as a moderator of internet use on sexual risk taking among men who have sex with men. Sexuality Research\& Social Policy, 3(4), 77-90. https://doi.org/10.1525/srsp.2006.3.4.77
Horvath, K. J., Bowen, A. M., Williams, M. L. (2006). Virtual and physical venues as contexts for HIV risk among rural men who have sex with men. Health psychology: official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association, 25(2), 237-42.
Williams, M. L., Bowen, A. M., Horvath, K. J. (2005). The social/sexual environment of gay men residing in a rural frontier state: implications for the development of HIV prevention programs. The Journal of rural health : official journal of the American Rural Health Association and the National Rural Health Care Association, 21(1), 48-55.
Bowen, A., Williams, M., Horvath, K. J. (2004). Using the internet to recruit rural MSM for HIV risk assessment: sampling issues. AIDS and behavior, 8(3), 311-9.
Estes, D., Chandler, M., Horvath, K. J., Backus, D. W. (2003). American and British college students’ epistemological beliefs about research on psychological and biological development. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 23(6), 625 – 642.
Bartsch, K., Horvath, K. J., Estes, D. (2003). Young children’s talk about learning events. Cognitive Development, 18(2 ), 177 – 193.